The case of Telstra and the Giant cheques

Read on for mystery, intrigue and huge refunds!

Featuring NAR Design vs Telstra
Starring Clewers Betta Home Living – Clare with Blue Goanna Digital in a supporting role.

NAR Design presents the Telstra cheque to Kym and Steph from Clewers Betta Home Living ClareOne of our customers recently asked us to check over their Telstra bill for them as they thought it was a little high. They’d asked the Telstra dealer that they’ve been with for years to check it out, but all the Telstra dealer recommended was a new phone system and they were left unsatisfied.

NAR Design see checking phone bills as an opportunity to learn more about our clients and how they do business. We ask a lot of questions and aren’t afraid to ask the stupid questions, as these sometimes have unexpected answers. Assumptions are the enemy when you look into this type of service for a client.

It didn’t take long to spot the potential problem. From dealing with our client we thought we knew that they had two ADSL internet connections – one for each location in the main street of Clare. Drilling into the bill and talking with the client we confirmed that they had two connections but the bill listed four.


Via our Telstra connections we were able to confirm the services that were being billed and the line numbers for each service. The impossible was presented, two ADSL services on the same physical line with the only explanation being a billing error.

The Happy Place for NAR Design to call TelstraWith the problem identified, the next step was to contact Telstra billing, confirm the problem and request reimbursement for overpayment on the account.

Our experience in this area goes back a decade or so. We’ve had our share of multiple hour calls and spreadsheet analysis and even have a special place at home to drive to if we are expecting a frustrating call – I call it my happy place. Please check the photo to see why.

After dealing with Telstra for many hours over a few weeks we were given confirmation of reimbursement for the six year overpayment due to Telstra’s billing error at a total of $10,072.80. The Telstra rep asked how I would like it to be reimbursed and I commented:

“I’d like a big novelty cheque so that I can stand outside my clients’ premises and present them with their money back.”

Needless to say, the giant cheque from Telstra didn’t eventuate but payment was made to our client. We’ve recreated the event that I was looking for with the help of Kym and Steph from Clewers Betta Home Living at Clare.

Thanks to Stu Nankivell from Blue Goanna Digital for the photography and digital effects.

Case closed. Until next time…

Posted in Clients, Telstra.