What do you look for in a PC?
In the planning of Windows 7, customers just like you asked for your PC to be simpler and easier to use. So Windows 7 has been designed to be more reliable, more responsive, and to make the things you do every day easier.
Windows 7 incorporates hundreds of little improvements which add up to less waiting, less clicks, less hassle connecting to devices, less power consumed and less overall complexity. With less of what you don’t need, Windows 7 means your PC will help you do more.
More work, more play, and more of everything in between.
Windows 7 on your PC:
1. Simplifies everyday tasks – Windows 7 makes the things you do every day fast and easier. With fewer clicks, fast searching, easier browsing and simpler ways to connect, there’s less between you and what you want to do.
2. Works the way you want – Windows 7 is designed to improve the performance of your PC, so it’s faster, more secure, and more reliable. PCs with Windows 7 simply work the way you want them to work.
3. Makes new things possible – With Windows 7, you’ll discover easy and exciting new ways to have fun and get things done with your PC.
NAR Design can help your business through the transition to new workstations with Windows 7 and Office 2010, including training and ongoing support.