NAR Design’s Country Business Mums is turning one and it’s time to celebrate with good company, bubbly, lunch and birthday cake!
Enjoy a day out with like-minded women at the beautiful Eldredge Vineyards, located just out of Clare on Spring Gully Road.
Have fun networking, meet some great people and promote yourself and your business all while having some ‘time out’ for yourself. A great way to form new friendships and business contacts but most of all – have fun!
Our speaker, Narelle Fleming, will ensure you come away feeling inspired and motivated.
The event is only $36 (prepaid by 18th February) and includes some great food and wine, networking, prizes and specials offers.
RSVP by the 15th of February 2013 is essential – places are limited so get in quick.
Contact Meg – or 0433 205 661 of check the Facebook Country Business Mums group for more information.
Download the Country Business Mums’ First Birthday Event flyer to send to others (PDF).
A bit about Country Business Mums:
Being a mum in business has a lot of unique challenges whether you own your own business, have a partnership, a hobby business at home, or if you’re the woman behind your husband’s success.
Country Business Mums provide a fantastic opportunity to meet other mums in business, share stories and experiences, get advice, promote your business and build a support network.
In the last year we have had a lot of fun, networked, formed friendships and contacts and helped the community so why not be a part of it all in 2013!