Nigelle-ann, qualified librarian and lover of books, is the owner and operator of Miss Gracie Taylor’s Pre Loved Books – the only second hand book shop in Clare.
Originally from Sydney, Nigelle-ann relocated to the South Australian country with her husband Geoffrey, who is originally from Mallala, and had their two children.
As Nigelle-ann has owned a range of other businesses she has a lot to offer from her experiences as a businesswoman, mother and wife and how she manages to keep it all together.
She will speak on the challenges of running a retail store with the demands of motherhood and how important it is for women to support each other in the community.
NAR Design is proud to present our first Country Business Mums’ Lunch from 12pm on the 17th of February at the Barbara J Long room, Clare.
Tickets for only $33 are available before the event – contact Meg on 0433 205 661 or email for details.
Download the flyer to send to other Mums!
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